Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Vacation

Today is the first day of summer vacation for us.  Liam has been out of school for about two weeks, but Lilia's final day of Kindergarten was yesterday.  I'm looking forward to summer vacation, sort of.  The weather being what it's been, I'm a little afraid it will mirror winter in there's five of us trapped in a small house, but for the most part, as long as it's warm and sunny, we have a huge yard for the kids to play in.

Mei loves books too!
Summer rules are in effect, much to Liam's chagrin.  No tv in the afternoon, until after dinner.  No reason to turn it on, there's plenty to do outside, right?

Today was fun though.  After a morning playing outside, we all went to get hot dogs from the vendor near the Herkimer Library, something my husband has done since he was a child.  Then we went to the library, even Mei.  We picked some books to bring home, (*ahem* because we lost a book last year and haven't paid the fine yet, used books they were selling...), the kids played some computer games, read a little, played games and did some puzzles.  It's something we'll probably do at least once a week.  And maybe next week, we'll walk there, instead of driving.

After the library, we went home for baby nap time, and magically (yes, I do mean it was magic...) 4 year old nap time.  Liam was laying against Daddy, and next thing we hear is *snore*.  Almost two hours of peace and quiet, and it was hard not to daydreams of a peaceful summer vacation.

Today's journal entry- Lilia haved a hot dog.
While Liam slept, Lilia and I worked on her writing.  She loves to learn so much that I decided to continue working with her on her reading and writing.  She has a little workbook, and a journal from Kindergarten, plus papers and books.  She did some worksheets, practiced writing her name and address and phone numbers, and wrote in her journal.  She was so excited to do all this.  Her favorite part was her list of words.  It's a list of 100 most frequent words in books for beginner readers, and my understanding was that her entire class was working hard at learning all these words.  We went through the first fifty, and she did pretty well, with only three or four words spelled wrong.  And I have to admit that I had a lot of fun quizzing her on those words.  It's pretty awesome to watch your child display the skills she's learned.  It amazes me how well she can read at this age.
Liam's blueberry topped pancake

After our quiet nap and study time, we decided to go out to dinner and celebrate our first day of summer vacation more.  Not the healthiest of meals, but we hit IHOP, as the kids love pancakes.  And being kids eat free night, the entire meal was less than $20 bux.  After that, a trip to the book store (the library and the book store on the same day...) where we read more books, and then headed home.  It was a perfect summer day, though it might've needed a little gardening fun.  (Dad mowed the lawn, does that count?)

Of course, I'm guessing by this week, maybe?...I'll be ready for them to go back to school.  And by September, I expect I'll be kicking them out the door.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The old bed.  I just cleaned those weeds out last week.
Probably my biggest goal, outside of not going crazy with two kids and a newborn, was starting a new garden bed, and doing something about the old beds.  My initial plan was to transform the old beds into a patio area, but that's temporarily on hold until I can afford to put some money into that project.  But I have been working on making a new garden bed just for vegetables.

One of the biggest problems with the old beds is weeds. They don't end.  The previous owners apparently planted something perennial, and it's terrible.  I could spend three days cleaning out the weeds, only to have them return.  Because of time this year, I am using some of the old beds, but intend to do one of two things this fall:  tarp them so the winterize (and hopefully kill the plants underneath) or I'm tearing them apart.  But this year we have sunflowers, peas, spinach, carrots, corn, mint and strawberries growing in the old bed.  And weeds.  Lots and lots of weeds.

The new bed
The new bed is in the middle of my lawn.  In May, I put down some black plastic down with lawn staples, and let it kill the grass.  Now, here in June, I've been removing the remaining sod, tilling and preparing the soil.  This weekend I finally got two different varieties of tomatoes in, as well as a variety of peppers.  Within the the new few weeks, I'll be putting in pumpkin, watermelon, eggplant, squash, zucchini, cucumber, and squash, as well as some herbs.  The bed is about 10 by 25, and I'd like to make it 20 by 25 for next year.

While I still need to get some more trellises, I'm really happy with how everything is going.  It's been a lot of hard work, particularly since many times it's get as much done in an hour that I can, so I can then shower, cool down and hydrate myself before I nurse the baby.  But so far, it's been really satisfying.
Tomatoes and Peppers
How is your gardening growing?

Friday, June 7, 2013

June Day Book


Outside my window... It is raining and a bit chilly. But my Rhododendrons are still pretty and the bumble bees are still hovering around them.

I am thinking... about how stretched I feel between three children, a husband and my own needs.

I am thankful... for my husband, who keeps me grounded.

In the kitchen... is rhubarb, waiting to be made into a pie.

I am wearing... a new teething/nursing necklace from Etsy.
I am creating... nothing at the moment, although I have four different things I want to work on.

I am going... for pizza at my father-in-law's like usual.

I am wondering... when the sun will return and if I'll get the rest of my gardening done this weekend.

I am reading... nothing.  Absolutely nothing these days.  I have no time!

I am hoping... life gets easier as the baby grows.

I am looking forward to... a baby shower this weekend!

I am learning the trials and tribulations of being the parent of three.

Around the house... is scattered toys, laundry the needs to be done, and happy kids.

I am pondering... what to do to keep the kids busy this summer.  And buying a new set of knitting needles...

A favorite quote for today... Love as thou wilt.  

One of my favorite things...'s keeping my spirits up these days.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Gardening.  Need to get the rest of my tomatoes and peppers in, as well as so many other things!

A peek into my day...
What are you doing, Mom?

Playing along with The Simple Woman's Daybook

Hoping to really and truly get back into blogging a little!