In order to be on track, you needed to have 8,335 words done by the end of today.
So yeah, I'm pretty excited- enough to give you just a little taste of the
I placed his head on my lap, tears streaming down my face. Everything around me was burning, but I didn't care.
“Maith...” I tried to say something, but nothing but sobs came. Blood seemed to come from everywhere. My hands were covered in it. Someone approached me, but I didn't care anymore. The bodies of my friends, my lover...they were all there for me to see. I wanted to join them.
“Don't move.” The soldier told me. I didn't. “Stand up, keep your hands where I can see them. Do it!” He screamed, but I didn't listen. Instead, I glared at him.
“Why? Why did you kill them?” I sobbed. I leaned over Maith's body, kissing his forehead. “Just do it. Kill me too!”
The soldier didn't say anything, he just stared at me. I couldn't see his face, just his eyes. There was some pity in them, which made me angry. I didn't want his pity, I wanted him to send me to my death.
“I hate you. I hate you all. Kill me damn you!” I screamed again, sounding like a crazed person. The soldier nodded, and I braced myself for him to shoot me. He didn't, instead I heard a foot step behind me, and heard a loud thud. As I fell to the ground, I realized that the thud was the sound of a something hitting me in the back of the head. Tears continued to stream, but I lost consciousness.
Pretty bad, huh? Editing later. That's what I keep reminding myself.
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