Ever have one of those days where one "tiny" thing just threw off all your plans?
That was my day. The batteries in Liam's soother died at 4 in the morning, and he didn't like it. It turned into a 5am Walmart run (wtf!) and a 2 hour break into our sleep time. This hasn't happened in a long time, and I swear, it just made me so tired for the rest of the days. Instead of doing the baking I planned to do today, I ended up knitting. It's not a bad compromise particularly since it was work for a customer I was working on.
I also ended up taking a nap, which helped me get through the rest of the day. It's not often that I lay down and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. It also got me out of cooking dinner, as John was tired as well. So I guess I'm saying thanks to Liam for making us tired and getting me out of cooking...but try not to do it again. Because we are still quite tired. Not even sure why I'm up. Good Night!
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